Monday, March 30, 2009

Acer Palmetum "Bloodgood" Pt I

This tree was acquired the summer of '07. The top of this tree was broken off somehow during the winter of '07. As it no longer possessed any value for landscape purposes, I was able to convince the owner that the trees future lied with me and albeit the tree served no purpose for landscaping, it would become a good candidate for bonsai culture.

We had a funny winter across the country in '07. Several enthusiasts loss over-wintering trees as well as local nurseries. This tree has a trunk diameter just under 2 inches. The damage was carved out, sealed and the tree planted out in the ground to regain health and development. The above picture was taken during the summer of '08. It has recovered nicely and a decision will be made soon with regards to its continued development. The future for this tree will be in the broom/naturalistic style.

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