Saturday, January 19, 2008

Juniperus Chinensis "Blaauw" Pt I

I acquired this tree from a local nursery at a ridiculously low price, in May 2006. I believe the reason for such a low price was the fact that this particular tree grew lopsided and could not be sold as a landscape tree.

The lopsided growth is evident in this picture. The tree was a little over 3 feet tall, had a 2 foot spread and the trunk diameter just shy of 3 inches. The tree was planted out in a grow box. The tree had a beautiful radial spread of fine feeder roots.

As can be seen from this photograph a clear trunk line is defined. The tree offers several options. I studied it for several days trying to envision its future.

After careful study of the tree started to remove all faulty branching and continued with the elimination of all branches that I knew would not be part of the trees future, keeping large stubs for future jin a shari considerations. Below is the final result of the initial styling, many branches were left longer to support life and may be later removed.

The tree was left to recover from the ordeal and in subsequent weeks new growth and back budding started to appear. This new growth was allowed to grow unhindered to ensure maximum energy in the tree.

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