Monday, January 21, 2008

Acer "Ginnala" Pt I

Another tree acquired in May of '05. This trees foliage was reduced by about 75%. Very much in its infancy, it needs to be refined, much much further.

In Sept '05 the tree has responded well to bonsai culture, as it has filled out nicely. A nice basal flare with good nebari is noticeable.

This photo was taken in Jun '06. The tree was pruned back after it's first flush. The trunk and nebari are really coming along.

The '06/07 winter was not favourable to me, nor to many Canadians, Many lost several trees, for unknown reasons. This maple was one of 5 trees that suffered during the winter. (BTW all trees did recover their ordeal, but with severe damage.)

Nothing was happening with this maple, so I decided to chop it, in the hope of awakening dormant buds. I had nothing to loose. For the longest while nothing was happening. I kept my watering to a minimum and low and behold one day a bud appeared, this was late in the season. This photo was taken in Sep. With the relatively mild fall we had the tree was never placed into the cold frame until well into November. Hopefully the tree had time to harden off. The trunk continued to show signs of maturity and the nebari is coming along quite nicely. Maybe there is a silver lining here as this tree will undoubtedly be developed as a mame/shohin. I just hope this winter is morev favourable to her.

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